ETR Save, Submit & Send

IMPORTANT:- Some links in this article will only be accessible to authorised Members that have logged into the Exchange Trade Centre

Once all the details of an ETR trade are entered correctly, the Originator has the option to:

  • Save
  • Submit & Automatic Send
  • Submit & Manual Send

It is important to understand the function of each button and what occurs when each of these buttons is used. Initially, all Originators use the Submit & Manual Send until they check and confirm that each the Debtor Email (highlighted in red with the label “ETR Invoices are Emailed to this Email Address”) is correctly entered in the Debtor’s Account Contact Details. Once all Debtor Email are confirmed, notify Support so that they can enable Submit & Automatic Send on your account.


Save causes the Trade to be saved so that it can be posted to the Trade Floor some time later. Use this when processing multiple invoices at the same time so that each one can be reviewed prior to posting and actually selling this ETR on the Trade Floor.

Submit & Automatic Send

Submit & Automatic Send causes the Trade to be sent directly to the Trade Floor immediately. This button also sends the invoice directly to the Debtor email address that was entered under the Debtors Account Contact Details when creating the Debtor. When using Submit & Automatic Send, a BCC copy of the communication is sent to the Originator so that they know the email was delivered successfully.

Submit & Manual Send

Submit & Manual Send causes the Trade to be sent directly to the Trade Floor immediately. This button does not email the invoice to the Debtor. This button is used to produce a PDF copy of the stamped invoice so that it can be printed and sent to the Debtor by hand, by courier, or by surface mail.