Trading on the Exchange is very quick and simple once you understand the basic trading principals. It is important that you understand these very clearly:

  • Understand the ‘Face Value‘ of your invoice(s)
  • Set your Outright Sale price, or monthly Discount rate
  • Upload your invoice & supporting documents & set the duration
  • Trading occurs instantly, until your requirements are met
  • If no Investor meets your requirements, trading stalls
  • You decide if the offer is acceptable, resulting in a ‘Traded Invoice
  • Payment electronically transferred to your bank in a few days

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WARNING to all Originators

Setting up a Trade
Choosing your invoice  

As a Originator, you are selling your invoices to raise cash. The institutional Investor will want to buy the best invoices the Exchange has to offer. Invoices from strong debtors (e.g. large/’well known’ organisations, government, etc) will attract a lot of interest and will sell quickly. So, choose wisely

Upload the information  

For the best results, in addition to uploading the actual invoice you want to sell, you should also upload supporting documentation (e.g. supporting contract, Purchase Order [PO] documents, PO number, delivery docket, etc)

Choosing the Sale Type  

Choose the type of sale, i.e. Outright ETR, Managed ETR or Performance ETR. Also you should understand whether you are going to use the Spot Market or Revolving ETR Market

Setting Your Trade Terms  

Set realistic values, remembering that if your terms are too high, Credebt Exchange® will not accept your Offer

Set the duration  

Think carefully about how long you are willing to wait for Investors to meet your Offer. Choosing only ½ a day or 1-day, may not allow enough Investors to bid on your offer. So choose wisely


Open a Trade  

Once you’ve prepared your trade, you open the trade using the ‘Submit’ button to post it onto the ‘Trade Floor’


Institutional Investors that have automated trading, will immediately make trade offers

Offer Sequence  

The best offer will always appear at the top of your screen, e.g. 0.500% will appear above 0.625% Note:- trading on the Exchange uses Basis Points [BPS] to ensure the lowest possible cost of funds when trading

Automatic acceptance  

Once a bid meets your requirements (i.e. your specified Offer), trading automatically closes and results in a Traded Invoice

Manual acceptance  

If no Investor has met your requirements, you have the option to accept the best trade (e.g. perhaps your reserve was 0.500% and the best offer is 0.720%)

Traded Invoice  

Manual acceptance of an offer also results in a Traded Invoice

Trade refusal  

If no Investor makes an offer, or you decide to reject the offers that were made, then the trade is cancelled. You can either re-trade the failed invoice by improving your offer, or you can simply start a new trade with a ‘better’ invoice


Trading Completed
Invoice details  

A successfully Traded Invoice must contain the correct bank account number and sort code provided to you when you became a Member of the Exchange

Invoice checking  

The invoice may be checked by a Credebt Exchange® analyst to ensure it is genuine and this may include contacting the debtor, in your name (i.e. acting as an employee of the Originator), to verify invoice details

Payment transfer  

The Investor that bought the Traded Invoice transfers the agreed Payment to Credebt Exchange®

Settlement (applies to Managed or Performance ETR only)  

The Account Bank then transfers the funds, less the Reserve, less transaction fees)to your Bank account with a payment reference beginning with ‘DEBX’ followed by a unique EFCS payment code

Invoice title  

Once the Account Bank records a successful payment to a Originator, ownership of the invoice passes to Credebt Exchange®

Debtor balance  

For Managed/Performance ETR, when the debtor pays the Traded Invoice, the Account Bank pays the Reserve balance to the Originator (if it is due)